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How do you discuss taboo subjects as a couple?

How do you discuss taboo subjects as a couple?
  • Published on : 14-02-23
  • Category :

How do you approach taboo subjects?

Before New Year's Day, society makes resolutions such as changing a particular diet, getting back into sport, giving up bad habits or learning new ones, finding fulfilment, getting out of a harmful relationship, getting out of a relationship, and so on. 

And what if the challenge is to communicate better as a couple? Are there any taboo subjects when you're in a relationship? Are there appropriate times to talk about different subjects? How can we finally "dare" to raise these subjects? These are all questions we can ask ourselves. 

Well-being and relationships

Sexual health is part of general health. Studies show that fulfilling sexuality contributes to the general well-being of individuals and couples.  According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), sexual health requires "a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships... To achieve and maintain good sexual health, the sexual rights of all individuals must be respected and protected ".

Talking about sexual difficulties

Studies show that few people over 60 ask for help or talk to health professionals about their sexual problems. Generally speaking, it is health professionals who listen to these people, and GPs in particular. What's more, one person in five said they were dissatisfied with the help they received. People who do not seek help from professionals talk to their partners and friends and do research on the internet. 

"In some societies, the character of an object, person or behaviour that designates it as forbidden or dangerous to members of the community" is the definition of taboo in the Larousse dictionary.

In the previous article, we discussed the idea of daring to have a fulfilling sexuality, whatever your age. But how can you enjoy fulfilling sexuality if there are taboos in the relationship, if the partners don't share their fantasies, if they don't talk about them?

Communication is the key

A British study shows that people can feel rejected when their partner does not discuss the sexual difficulties they are experiencing . Women seem to be more comfortable discussing sexual matters with friends than men, especially when these discussions with their partner are proving difficult. 

A few tips for communicating better with your partner about sex:

  • Plan a time with your partner to talk about it
  • Choose a neutral place - if possible not at home. One possibility would be to go for a walk in nature or to a restaurant.
  • Express your feelings for your partner, so that he/she feels reassured and hears how much you love him/her.
  • Talk about your feelings without blaming the other person.
  • Ask your partner how he/she is feeling.
  • Accept that he/she needs time to think about it and also that he/she doesn't share your feelings.
  • Keep talking about it so that you can find a solution that suits both of you.

Bear in mind that talking about sensitive issues as a couple can mean showing vulnerability in front of the other person. But this vulnerability can also allow you to connect with the other person on another, deeper level . And this can make the couple stronger.

Tags : wellbeing , sexuality , senior , love , health , family