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theatre, one of our senior citizens' favourite outings

theatre, one of our senior citizens' favourite outings
  • Published on : 19-01-23
  • Category :

Theatre, one of our senior citizens' favourite outings

Theatre is a popular form of artistic expression for many seniors. It can provide an opportunity to get out of the house, socialise and stimulate the mind by attending live performances. Some older people also enjoy the chance to escape into another world and recall the emotions they felt when they attended plays when they were younger.

Classic or modern plays?

Tastes and preferences when it comes to theatre vary from one person to another, including seniors. Some seniors prefer classical plays, such as those by Shakespeare or Molière, which have a rich story and well-developed characters. These plays can provide an opportunity to recall previous readings or performances and to engage in conversations about the themes addressed.

Other seniors prefer modern plays, which may deal with more topical subjects and use more contemporary staging techniques. These plays can provide an opportunity to discover new ideas and reflect on current issues.

It is important to note that most theatres offer a variety of productions, both classical and modern, so it is important to consult the programmes in advance to select the plays that best suit each senior's preferences and interests.

Theatres are popular in Belgium

Belgium has a strong cultural tradition and a large number of professional and amateur theatres. There are theatres in major cities such as Brussels and Antwerp, but there are also many regional theatres throughout the country. Belgian theatres offer a variety of productions, from classical plays to contemporary productions, including local and international productions.

Many Belgian theatres also offer reduced rates for seniors, so it's important to check pricing options before booking tickets. Senior citizens can also benefit from reduced-price ticket programmes for seniors or season tickets. Some theatres also offer activities for senior citizens, such as theatre workshops or guided tours.

In short, there are many theatres in Belgium that offer a variety of productions and advantageous pricing options for senior citizens. So it's worth checking out the programmes of local theatres to find activities that interest them.

Senior.Life offers a number of competitions in partnership with the Théâtre de Poche and the Théâtre le Public. Don't forget to check their news in our diary!

Tags : senior , outings