Intergenerational housing
Do you want to share a great experience with the younger generation? Rent out part of your house or flat to a young person to help them create new memories, feel less lonely and bond. There are associations in UK that can help you choose and organise this project in the best possible way, so that it is win-win.
- Avenue de la Gare, 109- 6720 Habay-la-Neuve
- 00 32 063 42 03 00
- Visitez notre site Internet
Les Trois Pommiers
- Avenue des Casernes, 41- 1040 Bruxelles
- 02/640.30.54
- Visitez notre site Internet
New Monticelli
- 15 bois Pinchet- 1495 Villers-la-Ville
- 0473/75 09 29
- Visitez notre site Internet